My ecumenical vocation began when I helped organize a CROP walk as a high school junior. That experience gave me a larger vision of the church beyond our denominational tribalism. Jesus prayer for his disciples that all may be one (John 17:11) defines ecumenism as both gift and task. -Rev. Scott D. Anderson

Rev. Andersons work in Wisconsin is focused on strengthening the public policy witness of the Council and initiating a new area of ministry focused on equipping congregations to engage the mission field that is now at their doorstep. See his full biography
His talk in Albuquerque is part of the NMMCs Congregational Vitality Series. In addition to a keynote address by Rev. Anderson, the program will feature large group presentations and small group discussions about the practical "nuts and bolts" in our community. The cost is $35 (includes lunch)
And Rev. Anderson will be on hand Friday for an NMCC fundraiser and open house. He will discuss the Wisconsin Council of Churches project with Parker Palmer, Season of Civility. This event will take place at the New Mexico Conference of Churches office, 1019 2nd St. NW (map). The cost is $50.00
Click on this link to purchase your tickets online for either the Friday fundraiser or Saturdays event or both.