Today we wanted to share our system for tracking chicken data in case any of you might find it useful or have suggestions for how to improve it. So, without further adieu, here is EggSpreadsheet.xlsx, version 1.0, (kindly hosted by OpenDrive).
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This is the general layout. To use it, just make an x in each cell corresponding to which dates each chicken lays an egg. Up on top, input your costs for feed, grit, etc. The part in the upper left counts how many eggs each bird laid and the total (for the most recent seven-day period and since the beginning), and calculates the cost per dozen based on your inputs. It doesnt include the bedding costs for now because the bedding works double duty as garden fertilizer once we compost it. The part to the lower right tallies up each birds egg count for each week and puts it into a graph so you can track the cycle. |
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The trends are kind of interesting. The open symbols correspond to times when we werent around to collect eggs forthe whole week, and we didnt want to rope our chicken-care volunteers into our goofy data collection experiment. From the left, the eggs/week started increasing as more chickens reached laying age until mid-November, when production started to fall off, probably with the decrease in day length. Then the chickens went on a tear in mid-December before shutting it down for most of January. But this last week shows a real up-tick again, so we better get ready! Were not sure why the big boost in mid-December, but they seem to lay more when theyre outside more and the weather is warmer. Also, our Ameraucana was a real good layer up until two days before the day length dropped below 10 hours (November 18), then she didnt lay a single egg until last week, two days after the day length crossed the 10-hour threshold again (January 24). Now shes laid five in the last week. Thats consistency! |
Since we dont always fire up the spreadsheet computer every day, we made a non-electronic version on the chalkboard in our kitchen that we have to walk past to put the eggs in the fridge. That makes it way easier to remember things day-to-day. Now, as long as we update the computer spreadsheet once a week, well have data as accurate as our immediate guesses as to which egg belongs to which chicken. |
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In other chicken-related news, our well-traveled, but previously injured, Rhode Island Red has rejoined the flock. She let us know she was fully recovered by escaping from her tote, making messes around the house, and eating our newly-sprouted avocado tree. Also, weve been trying to figure out what type of chicken Big Chip is. She was a mystery bird (a.k.a. free rare breed) from McMurray Hatchery that looks like a Partridge Rock in terms of coloring and size (she kept pace with the Pioneer meat birds last spring), but her comb isnt quite the same, and she was a chipmunk-striped chick, which Rocks typically arent (nor are they a rare breed). Any ideas? Maybe a mutt from their top secret new meat breed program? |
How do you keep track of your egg production and costs? Let us know in the comments section below!